Lakeview Primary School Renovation

Lakeview Primary School is home to Pre-K through second grade students in Baldwin County, Georgia. Students were welcomed back to a like new school after a summer of renovations. Decorative light fixtures with LED lights shine bright on the newly painted walls. The flooring in the cafeteria and restrooms make statements of their own. A design was added to the flooring in the cafeteria that had recently been replaced while new epoxy flooring was installed in each restroom. New duct work was installed throughout Lakeview Primary School. Another noteworthy part of the scope is the new sidewalk leading to the playground making it ADA accessible. All renovations to the 79,40\ sf building were completed in just 59 days. Phil Best served as project manager. Eldridge Harrell served as superintendent. Both are still employed with Garbutt Construction Company. This project was completed on time and within budget.

Matt Adams, Deputy Superintendent, Baldwin County Board of Education

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The project was completed on time and under budget in the midst of nationwide supply chain challenges. Meticulous planning and the implementation of Lean Construction methodologies were no doubt key to the timely completion of the renovations.