Jones County Fire Station

Garbutt completed this new fire station under the design build form of delivery. The facility is constructed of a metal building and is composed of total noncombustible material. The envelope consists of stucco and simulated stone and the roof is a metal roof. The space holds new office and administrative space for the Jones County Fire Department as well as two full-service bays for emergency fire combat vehicles. In addition to delivering a phenomenal facility within the stipulated schedule, Garbutt was able to return funds to the owner after proper management and transparent accounting was performed throughout the project. This metal building facility is a great demonstration of our ability to perform tasks diligently.

Mike Underwood, County Administrator, Jones County Board of Commissioners

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I am writing to express my gratitude to you and your team for the wonderful experience Jones County shared during the Fire Station project. First, the RFP process you developed gave us the time needed to explore contract delivery methods while allowing the project to gain headway. From preconstruction all the way through contract completion, we received timely and accurate information from your team and always felt educated on progression.