Historic Griffin City Hall
Historic Old City Hall, constructed in 1910, included a fire hall, city council chamber, and offices. Substantial improvements were required to carefully rehabilitate Historic Old City Hall, a process that spanned from 2017 to 2019. The Owner’s primary goal for the project was the preservation of Historic Old City Hall to return it, as closely as possible, to its original appearance. Brick and limestone were carefully cleaned and restored using custom mortar mixes. Existing, historic wood windows and hardware were rehabilitated and reinstalled with functioning arched transoms. New exterior wood doors and new exterior lights were installed to match the historic configurations as seen in photos from 1910. The Italianate cornice with sheet metal brackets was carefully repaired and re-roofed with a new standing seam metal roof. All non-historic and non-contributing walls were removed. A new elevator was carefully and sensitively installed to provide necessary ADA access to all levels. The building now houses offices for the City’s Economic Development department and rentable event space, including the historic city council chamber, with rehabilitated stage and balcony, conference rooms, and the fire hall, with a new exterior patio.